Pink AI Headshots Collection 💕
We're proud to donate part of our profits from Pink AI Headshots to the wonderful Breastcancer.org. Whether you're gifting or getting these for yourself, use the code BRC10 on Try it n AI Headshots to receive a 10% off up until December 19th.

Pink AI Headshots Samples 💕
The Pink AI Headshots feature both studio and natural flower filled scenes. Expect to be dressed into elegant shades of dark and light pinks, accompanied by shimmering accents.

How to get Pink AI Headshots 💕
Get your Pink AI Headshots in 3 easy steps and less than 40mins!
Step 1
Get a Photoshoot
Click on "Get AI Headshots", use BRC10 to get 10% off. Then click on "Prep for Photoshoot", select "Pink Headshots" and then submit 10 very simple natural close-ups of yourself.
Step 2
Submit closeups
The guidelines are extremely simple. Just natural close-ups of yourself, in natural light. Don't worry about makeup or clothes as AI will do that for you in the photoshoot anyway.
Step 3
View results in 30-40mins!
Log back in to your studio and view all 100+ AI Headshots. Choose the ones you love and you can either fix them up by tapping on "AI Edit" and then Upscale or Enhance or just go ahead and download the full large version!
Benefiting Foundations 💕

The team at Breastcancer.org has built a strong global community for people trying to make sense of the complex information about breast cancer.
Their platform is a support lifeline for millions of people affected by breast cancer. By helping people find reliable answers to questions about risk, diagnosis, treatment plan, surgical options, and more so they can live a full life beyond breast cancer.